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Hearts Communicate

Testimonials – New Paradigm MDT Workshops


(RE: 13D Master workshop) “Thank you for a very intense and inspirational four days. The NPMDT 13D Workshop was amazing. Being able to re-program my DNA and remove all of the clinging restrictions I have picked up over a lifetime, getting in touch with and activating the many dimensions of my “I am” made my energy levels and view of self explode. Being introduced to a good number of the many Masters and knowing that I can call on them whenever needed is truly comforting to me and, the meditations we did were outstanding. Honing my ability to pass positive energy will, I believe, only help me to help myself and others. Combined with all of the above I am able to better function from an “I am” based on love of all, in all dimensions, without conditions. I am realizing the sky is bluer, the trees greener and the positive energy with which I am surrounded will be a great and previously untapped, resource for me now that I am more in tune with my surroundings and myself. The workshop was awesome as are you.”
Mark W.


“Dear Faun,
(RE: 13D Master workshop) Thank you, thank you, thank you. I didn’t really know what to expect from this workshop, I just was very open. I was worried that I wouldn’t “get it”. Well I feel it. More so than I have ever. So I wanted to let you know that I am Beyond Grateful to you and for you. This workshop was far Grander than I could ever have imagined. Absolutely Perfect. Thank you for who you are. Words can never be enough for how I feel. I hope you can feel it :-). I Love you, I Love you, I Love you.”
Forever and Always
in Love,


“I thoroughly enjoyed Faun’s NPMDT basic class. It was an in-depth weekend that gave us many hands on techniques in grounding, clearing blockages and energy “healing”. I highly recommend this fun and informative class if you have any curiosity about energy work.”


(RE: Basic Master workshop) “My mind is still swirling with new the new information, processes and techniques that we learned this past weekend. Thank-you Faun, you were fabulous.

I don’t know exactly what I expected from this weekend’s workshop, but I know I left with an more opened mind and an outlet to attempt to reach a continuous positive energy. I also feel that I got rid of a lot of negative energy I had bundled up inside. I am still digesting much of that to which we were exposed, but I have an inner excitement that there is a place in my life for positive energy and love without conditions.

Finally, I just want to say that my level of positive energy was raised when I met six very diverse and wonderful people at the training workshop. The levels of openness to Shamballa appeared to be mixed at the onset of the training, however, I believe that everyone left with more openness and a willingness to explore that which was very new to some of us, including me. It definitely expanded my mindset.”
Bivracha (with a blessing)
Mark W.


(RE: Basic Master workshop) “I don’t know if you realize what a truly magnificent experience the New Paradigm MDT workshop at your house was for me. Perhaps you do. So at the risk of being somewhat redundant, I just want you to know I am in awe of how you created the space for the workshop and how gracefully you held that space. As I said, I often think about all of the wonderful, helpful, and powerful tips you gave us that weekend. Many things come and go, but the weekend workshop at your house has stayed with me.”
Rachel, New Orleans