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Hearts Communicate

Testimonials Communication with Animals Workshops


“Faun thank you for you. Thank you for all you are and all you do. It’s great to know that we can communicate with all beings.”
Sarah Brink


“Faun is a great facilitator and makes participants feel welcome and at ease which makes the overall workshop experience more enjoyable and productive. She is so encouraging which is especially important to those of us who are new to animal communication. Faun assured us we are all capable of this amazing communication. In fact, we are already using this skill, we just don’t realize it.

“The guided meditations in class are very useful to teach us ways to still and clear our minds and open ourselves and our hearts to communicate with all entities, animals and inanimate.

“The communications we experienced with our own beloved animals (living and in spirit) and those of Faun and our classmates served to amaze and convince us of this incredible ability.

“Thank you, Faun, for being such a wonderful guide to each of us as we seek to improve our skills in animal communication.”


“This course is good for anyone wanting to communicate with their fur babies. Thank you so much Faun!!!”
Robin Paysse


“I think this was a great class! I was able to connect with my living & deceased animals.”


“Second time taking it & wasn’t so scared and absorbed more. Love you Faun”
Aimee Vogt


“Faun, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience I had in your class where you taught the basics in communicating with our animal friends/animal family. The class opened up an area of the mind that I had not had known could be accessed. The meditation was extremely relaxing and allowed me to access energy fields and communicate with my two little littermate “girls”—one deceased. It was a wonderful experience; I look forward to continuing my education.”
Thank you again, Faun

* * *

“Faun’s Animal Communication class is amazing! She is an excellent teacher and the information was presented in an way that was easy to understand and apply. I have traveled all over the country for similar classes and my teachers have been some of the best including Doreen Virtue. I feel Faun’s is in this caliber of Spiritual instructors. And, the message that I received from my cat Chester during the class was the same message that was given during the service at my Church the next day! I am looking forward to more classes.”
Barbie Barnes


“The class was delightful; it’s putting into practice what I learned that will be the challenge.”
Janet M.


“Using a heart centered approach and combination of didactic and experiential exercises, Faun Fenderson expertly guides you in the art of animal communication. After completing her workshop, not only did I experience the ability to talk to animals I was inspired to see animals and nature in a whole new way.”
Frank A. Trupiano


“I took Faun’s Animal Communication Class and loved it! I wasn’t sure that I would be successful in being able to hear animal communications, but Faun has devised the flow of the class perfectly! The strategically arranged exercises and relaxing meditations gently bring you along to where you are in a perfect state to be able to “hear” the animals. And she has such a huge love and passion for animals and animal communications that it’s contagious. She speaks the truth when she says that everyone has this ability. I didn’t think I did, but she proved to me that I could do it! Thank you, Faun!”
Sabine Brebach


“Thank you Faun for a wonderful and meaningful class. I had been dreaming of being able to communicate with my beloved pets and now I know that it is possible. The relaxed and pleasant environment that you created was conducive to learning and the merging of our hearts with those of our animal friends was such a new experience and an amazing one. Please consider a second class to help us further our skills. Thank you for being such a gifted teacher.”
Love and light,
Tianne Lastra


“I have really liked your class last saturday, it was a great experience,especially for me who didn’t know a lot about animals communications. Your explanations were very clear and the atmosphere was very peaceful. Now I can try to progress with my animals here at home. I hope I will have good experiences with them, I let you know.”
Thanks again, Love