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Hearts Communicate

Flower Essences

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are another form of energy used in the healing process. They are a liquid made using the energy of the flower at its prime, captured in water and preserved/stabilized with a small amount of brandy or other alcohol or other fixative. Each flower and the essence remedy made from it energetically addresses a particular emotional issue or range of issues.

As an example: the sunflower flower essence, representing “unique individuality” and a “sun-radiant personality” is often used to work with issues of self-esteem and self-expression.


The energy of the flowers is very gentle yet has a specific and direct affect on the individual using it. Flower essences are an excellent compliment to other energy therapies or as a remedy all their own.

I have been certified by the Alaskan Essences and the Flower Essence Society as a flower essence practitioner and primarily use their essences in my work, though I am sometimes guided to use other essences.


Helpful Information




Schedule and pay for a session via this website or to pay via check, paypal or venmo,
contact me directly by email to





Disclaimer: Faun Fenderson is not a physician and does not diagnose or treat physical or mental illness. When there are serious illnesses, injuries, or mental/emotional problems, a physician of your choice should be consulted. Flower essence therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment.