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Hearts Communicate

New Paradigm MDT Workshops

We live in times of massive change. It is not only change in the structures of our societies, but also change in our consciousness. We live to LOVE, to bring that LOVE into our lives. We are all LOVE. Many have forgotten this and given their power away to the energy of fear. Don’t give your power away to anybody or anything! Experience a taste of the energy system that gives you the tools to step into your mastery and create the magnificent life you long to live. You can learn to love yourself while remembering – and allowing – your innate knowingness of your connection with Source and all of creation.

I am certified to teach each of these workshops:


(16 hours/2 days) The two-day master class introduces you to the full spectrum of the transformational energies of Shamballa and more through all aspects of your being. The experience gives you the opportunity to feel, integrate and acclimate with these alchemizing energies. Resulting in an empowered ability to ground more harmony and balance in your life. Once activated you become a conduit for these energies of love to flow through you at all times, giving you the ability to share these energies with others simply by touch.

You will experience:

  • What it means to step into your power and freedom.
  • How to release fear and empower yourself with love.
  • Activations of the most powerful healing and transformational energies available on the planet! (the energies of Shamballa!).
  • How our mind creates beliefs and how these beliefs and emotions affect our overall health and well-being.
  • The importance of grounding.
  • How to facilitate energy therapy on yourself and others.
  • Brain balancing – what it is and how to do it.
  • How to clear energetic blockages from yourself and others.
  • What self Mastery means to you as an individual.
  • Exercises that will assist in identifying and strengthening your intuitive abilities.

Guided Meditations:

Transmuting Thought Forms & Energetic Connections: We will clear and dissolve the energies, cords, programs, and technologies that are no longer serving you.

Opening to Mahatma Love: In this meditation we clear the energies of limitation and activate Mahatma Love through your 12 level chakra system.

Illuminating the Diamond Within You: The Diamond Frequency within most people has been lying dormant and not flowing through the physical body. This meditation illuminates the Diamond Core within your heart which then allows the Diamond Frequency of Consciousness within you to flow with greater ease.

Light Body & Antahkarana Clearing and Activation: The Antahkarana is the light cord that connects the energy centers of the chakras and the levels of our consciousness to Source. By expanding and activating the Rainbow Bridge of the Antahkarana, we allow for an increased amount of Source Light and vibration to flow through our Being, therefore expanding our Light Quotient.

(If time permits additional meditations will be provided.)


  • Greater connection with the levels of your multi-dimensional self.
  • Enhanced clarity and the ability to work with your intuitive abilities.
  • The release of limiting old paradigm patterns and programs of separation.
  • An expansion of your individual vibrational frequency.

❥ Attendees receive a resource manual and a numbered certificate for completing the class.
❥ No prerequisites. Anyone who feels called can take this course. Graduates are encouraged to take 13D Master, which is of a higher energy. Graduates may also take Basic Teacher.

Fee: $300


(24 hours/3 days) The three-day Basic Master Teacher class certifies you to facilitate the two-day Master and also the three-day Master Teacher. You will experience how to activate others with the New Paradigm energies, create sacred space vortexes, how to clear spaces, techniques for clearing a person’s physical body and energies systems, assisting others in obtaining mastery of Self and releasing fear, a basic plan on how to facilitate classes and hold group meditations. To attend this event you must have completed a 2-Day Basic Master class or 4-day 13D Master.

❥ Attendees receive a resource manual and a numbered certificate for completing the course.
❥ Prerequisite: Either the Basic Master, 13D Master or 13D Teacher.

Fee: $400


(32 hours/4 days) The four-day 13D Master is an in-depth exploration of self-love and discovery. The 13 individual activations assist in awakening your dormant DNA, energy system circuitry, and expanded senses. As a result, you are able to re-establish the connection with your original divine personal seed blueprint. We also discuss the process of channeling and you will be given the opportunity to connect with your I AM Presence and multidimensional assistance team. No prerequisite is required to attend this life-changing four-day adventure. Only the willingness to release the fear and remember who you are!

You will experience:

  • Meditation exercises that assist with more clarity, focus, harmony, and balance in your life.
  • Discussions of the process of releasing fear and how to empower yourself with love.
  • Activations of the most powerful healing and transformational energies available on the planet! (the energies of the New Paradigm).
  • Discussions on how and why our mind creates beliefs and how beliefs and emotions affect our overall health and well-being.
  • The benefits of grounding while going through energetic shifts.
  • Energetic systems (chakras, nadis and light body) and how they are tied into the multi-dimensional levels of our consciousness.
  • The science behind how energy is channeled through the levels of consciousness and be given the opportunity to practice channeling.
  • How to facilitate energy therapy on yourself and others.
  • Energetic and light code activations.
  • Techniques for clearing energy and daily practices for maintaining the vibrance of your energy systems.
  • An exercise that will assist in identifying and strengthening your intuitive abilities.
  • Self Mastery and how it is tied into the New Paradigm of Earth.

Guided Meditations:

Transmuting Thought Forms & Energetic Connections: We will clear and dissolve the energies, cords, programs, and technologies that are no longer serving you.

Opening to Mahatma Love: This meditation clears out the energies of limitation and activates the energies of Mahatma love, from the 12th chakra down through your Earth Star chakra that exists below your feet, grounding your chakra system and the energies of Mahatma into the cosmic heart of Mother Earth.

Illuminating the Diamond Within You: The Diamond Frequency within most people has been lying dormant and not flowing through the physical body. This meditation illuminates the Diamond Core within your heart which then allows the Diamond Frequency of Consciousness within you to flow with greater ease.

DNA Re-Programming & Activations: We clear reset and activate your original 12 strands of DNA, recoding the geometries and connections that may limit the expansion of your consciousness and may have been carried over from your ancestral heritage and other lifetimes.

Light Body & Antahkarana Clearing and Activation: The Antahkarana is the light cord that connects the energy centers of the chakras and the levels of our consciousness to Source. By expanding and activating the Rainbow Bridge of the Antahkarana, we allow for an increased amount of Source Light and vibration to flow through our Being, therefore expanding our Light Quotient.

Releasing Symbols, Initiations, Agreements & Contracts: This is a very powerful and in-depth meditation where we dissolve the symbols/geometries from past initiations and attunements that may be limiting the expansion of your light quotient.

Possible Additional Meditations:

  • Merlin’s Cave, Holy Grail & King Author’s Castle
  • Shekinah Universe & Microtronic Energies
  • Visit Acturian Mother Ship
  • Journey to the City of Shamballa
  • Axiatonal & Galaxiatonal Alignments/Activations
  • Cosmic Meridian & Nadi Clearing/Activations
  • Journey to Telos in Mount Shasta
  • 5th Dimensional Chakra System Activation
  • Journey to Uluru, Australia with the Aborigines
  • Forgiveness Meditation with Sai Baba


  • Greater alignment and peace within the present moment
  • Enhanced clarity, expansion and the ability to interpret your intuitive abilities
  • Release of old paradigm patterns and programs of duality
  • Assistance in your awakening, remembrance, and integration of your multi-dimensional awareness
  • Transformation of your 5 body system (physical, mental, emotional, astral, spiritual)
  • Increasing the vibration of your individual Light Quotient
  • Connection with the expanding energies of New Earth Crystalline grid

❥ Attendees receive a resource manual and a numbered certificate for completing the course.
❥ No prerequisites. Anyone who feels called can take this course

Fee: $500


(8 hours/1 day) We will review some NPMDT info, experience a couple of activations and meditations and other exercises, share energy and catch up!

❥ Registration is limited to those who have attended a 13D Master or 13D Master Teacher workshop and is by invitation.  (Send me an email if you are interested.)

Fee: $100

A meditation to clear your personal energy on a daily basis:

Register for a workshop here

Read what students had to say about the NPMDT workshops

For more information please refer to the New Paradigm MDT website: http://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org